Gen 1

Chapter 1.6

*note: I played this before the infant update/growing together

Well hello! And welcome back to my DITFT challenge! We jump right in at 4am Sunday morning and everyone is just doing *things*

Octavia starts the day off right by finally planting the cowplant berry we were finally able to get through grafting

And once this grows she’ll have finished her aspiration! Woohoo!

Next thing to do was get the kiddos on their homework. And it was a whole family affair!

Hi Agatha! Whatchya doin’ here?

As promised at the end of last chapter, we did a garden overhaul. I deleted duplicates of plants and then organized them in the same way they are listed in the collection so that it’s easy to identify which plants we need yet.

This is much more manageable lol

While waiting for the cowplant to grow Octavia continued to work on the fishing aspiration and finally maxed the fishing skill, which completed that aspiration! So achievement unlocked! Woohoo!

After that, we continued installing upgrade on the rocket. We have one more alien plant to find and it’s currently in season.

Bills came…

Which left us with $51. Maybe I should have held off on changing the garden lol

I’ve noticed that all of our Yamachans tend to have relationship problems.


Monday afternoon brings around projects

Weirdly, Noah’s finished immediately. I’ve never had that before

Well I don’t know either of you. So sure! Go for it!

Our cowplant grew! So that officially completes the main goals for Octavia! And the only extra goal is to plant one of every harvestable.

Which we’re still working on

We earned enough Satisfaction Points to buy the money tree! Which is one that we needed for our collection!

Axel came home from school with Noah.

Poor Axel is struggling with the acne.


I ship it honestly. I thought maybe Riley (from my MySims challenge) and Noah would maybe be a thing, but obviously Noah has spoken his preference!

With all the Noah/Axel excitement, I almost missed Mason’s birthday lol

And here he is after his makeover!

Not gonna lie, appearance-wise, I like him better than Noah

But he’s an idiot. Not even a teen for 3 hours and he’s already been eaten by out cowplant.

Okay, Noah’s an idiot too… This was the next morning.

Someone is going to die, I swear

We’re STILL trying to finish that wormhole generator

It takes soooooo long

No idea who this lady is, but sure. Knock yourself out


Did you guys know you could wade in this water in Brindleton bay? Because I didn’t

We finally finished the upgrade! Sixam here we come!

Still as wonderous as the first time we came!

So we collected our Fang Flower and some other special Sixam collectables and then headed home.

All that work for a 5 minute trip lol

Noah, I don’t mean to alarm you, but THE STOVE IS ON FIRE


This is the first time that I had to actually tell a sim to extinguish a fire. Normally the whole family fights over who puts out the fire lol

But it was Mason to the rescue!

It’s Springfest! Which means that the Flower bunny is around dropping flowers all over the floor

Birthday time for the twins! Grant goes first

And then it was Nicole’s turn!

Flower Bunny stayed to celebrate!

And here they are after their makeovers!

Off to school! apparently I didn’t get the twin’s birthday in time so they’re missing out.


And apparently Noah hasn’t been to active school either so he didn’t have a locker when we got here. So it’s pretty terrible timing for both Noah and Mason to go to high school for the first time on a Friday… “Happy first day of active school! Have some exams!”

Sorry, my dudes

Dunno how I missed this, but thanks Noah! Achievement unlocked!

I found a random flower arrangement in someone’s inventory. No idea where it actually came from, but I think it might have come from the Flower Bunny.


No idea where it would come from otherwise lol

Awe…. RIP cowplant!

With a money tree on the property now, we can afford to guy some rare seed packets. It was with them that we were able to get some growfruits! So we planted a bunch of those for fertilizer!

4am Sunday rolls around again and here we are with all of them sleeping again. Just how it should be in the world

Join us next time from hopefully a completed garden? Maybe?


1 thought on “Chapter 1.6”

  1. it makes me kind of nostalgic to see all your achievement families having just teens now! It also makes me excited because you know I love heirpolls, and they’re not gonna be easy at all lol

    Congrats on completing the fishing aspiration and good luck with the plants collection! That one is so hard with how many keep being added into the game lol
    Also, so cute about that crush between Noah and Axel!! I ship them already! I’m very interested if more ships are gonna come out between families!


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