Gen 1

Chapter 1.3

Hello hello hello! We’re back with another DITFT update! We start out this Sunday with a stormy morning. So everyone is scared/tense/sad because of that.

Except Mason. Who just a baby and has no emotions at all. You know, as babies do.

Well, the rules that I’m following say that I need at least one boy and one girl. So since we do not have a girl yet, we’re back at it.

*cross your fingers*

Well, we’ve got a bun in the oven! Hopefully it’s a girl bun.

Octavia has the waterproof trait, so she gets to garden in this wonderful summer storm lol

So we have some “special” plants in the house. These will be our grafting plants for whenever we get to that lol

Veer takes good care of Mason while Octavia tends the garden(s)

Noah gets comfort from Blarffy during the storm.

Bills came. And we were JUST able to afford them lol

Thank da lort that our garden was profitable today. What with it being a new season and all.

Mason aged up! We’ve got TWO toddlers now… Oh goodness.

So we had to rearrange the toddler room to fit another bed in lol


Mason learns the ways of the toddler from big brother Noah.

Noah: If you need somting, wait for dem to sleep. Den wake dem up and start crying!

Mason: otay!

Also: Notice the stairs? That’s the start of our upstairs. Since with two kids and another on the way, we’re going to need more floor space.

It’s unfinished, so no photos.


Grafting this plant completed Octavia’s aspiration milestone! Woohoo! We’re making progress!

One of our optional goals is to plant one of each harvestable, which means trash fruit! So I have a pile off garbage barricaded off so that they don’t “accidentally” throw it away lol

Side note: I had to add higher walls because they could still throw it away with the lower half walls lol

Oh! It’s baby time!

When we get to the hospital, Veer takes a moment to help them clean their work spaces lol

If you read the rest of the challenges that are part of my Achievement Challenge, you’ll know that I’ve become obsessed with keeping track of the ghosts in my hospital.

We’re currently 3/3 for ghosts.

Yippie lol




Not really what I had in mind…



I’m not gonna lie, when the popup came up and said “it’s a boy!” I was upset. But then the “it’s a girl” popped up and I got SUPER excited!

I mean, I’m not super happy for twins. But at least we have a girl, so we don’t need to have anymore kids!

Noah becomes the family’s first top notch toddler!

And he looks SUPER HAPPY about it! lol

One of our spliced plants produced! We have a birds of paradise flower! Woohoo! Bring on the big bucks!

Okay, well since we ended up with twins I had to change the layout of the second story to make room for another bed and bath. So here we are with a really funky layout bahahaha

Octavia just decided to go fishing in her hospital gown.

In the rain

During a thunderstorm.


Oh my god. It took Veer FOREVER to actually clean this kid. He started and quit the bath sequence like 3 times.

We started this aspiration I think on wednesday evening. It’s now Friday morning and we’re already almost done with it.

I feel like this is easier then the last time I did it? *does research*

I WAS RIGHT! The aspiration didn’t use to include fish from expansions in the “collect 20 types of fish” part. But now it does since 5 of my 19 types are expansion fish.


Too bad that didn’t exist when I did it in my Drifter save…

It’s Noah’s birthday! Woohoo!

And here he is after his makeover!

He looks like super hyper at the moment lol

And just like that, we had to furnish one of the bedrooms upstairs!

It’s cramped, but hey. He’s got a bed and his own computer, so he can’t even be mad.

There is nothing in his bathroom yet.

Because I forgot.

I’ll fix that later.

Grant and Nicole aged up as well!

So we got rid of one toddler only to replace him with two more.

Parenting is HARD WORK.

Poor Veer is doing all the parenting while Octavia does the gardening and fishing.

And with three toddlers, Veer’s needs are pretty terrible lol

Since there isn’t space for a third toddler bed, we bought a chair for the left out kiddo lol. Who at this moment is Grant

Veer has twin that came by!

Also, we don’t do visitors. Go away.

Is there a dress code for the Fair? Because I KNOW I did not dress Suki with that outfit…


Sorry, I know this isn’t a Lockwood update, but STILL. I’m freaked out. SHE DOESN’T HAVE A LLAMA


Amira pranked us!

Fun Fact: Amira is from 101 Legends by creativecress36 over on boolprop which you should definitely check out. Not very many people are as crazy as I am to attempt a 100 generation legacy!

Agnes gave us sweet deals on some new seeds for our garden! (since we’re trying to “plant on of every plant type)

This lady did NOT give us sweet deals

We bought some wool to enter in the competition. Just because I’ve had this pack since it’s come out and still haven’t done anything with country living yet lol


ohmygod! Hi Argon! Nice to see all the Legends out today! (I saw Daichi around earlier)

Also, that is not his regular outfit either… weird.

Okay, It’s almost 2am and we never got the notification about who won the competitions. So I guess we’ll go home. Rude.

Well this is new. I’ve never had this before! Cool!

After some “strategy” planning of our garden, we began the arduous task of planting all the new stuff.


And since there are plants that are only available in SPACE, we need a rocket.

double ugh.

8am Sunday comes around and we have both Veer and Octavia still planting the new stuff.

They’re not going to be doing this when we reload this family next time, so I need to remember to have them continue when I come back to them.

*makes note*

Noah makes a mess in an empty bathroom upstairs and then walks away.


Mason is doing good toddler things and is still sleeping.

Grant is working on his imagination skill

And Nicole is on her way to watch Grant for her thinking skill.

And that brings us to the end of this chapter! Join us next time when I try and figure out how to find the super rare seeds…


Extra announcement!

I’m also looking for sims to populate the neighborhood! Please let me know!

You can either link me to them in the gallery, or upload them with the hashtags #mojoachievement, #mojot89, #mojosachievementchallenge, #thepierceditft

Make sure you let me know if you upload someone so I can add them!