Gen 1

Chapter 1.4

Toddler mayhem! We’re back with another chapter of my DITFT! Look at all the kiddos wide awake at 4am in the morning! Go to sleeeeeeep!

Once it’s light out (or at least as light as it can get with the rain…) Octavia is back out there planting the plants that we didn’t finish last time

Veer will be outside helping just as soon as he blows out his candles.

Yeah, you’re hot stuff alright. Now get outside and help Octavia

bahahahahaha I watched this happen and I DIED

Mason maxed all his skills! And just in time!

Because it’s time for cake!

And this is him after his makeover! He’s a cutie!

I need Veer to get the Super Sell option, so he’s out there propagating all of our new plants.

We got to work on that rocket so that we can got get our last space plant.

Is that not just the most beautiful garden you’ve ever seen?

Finally was able to get an orchid. Took long enough for that to propagate.

Oh look! Noah is helping us garden! How cool!

Awe! Look at these cuties! Such brotherly love!

We have an intruder! But he’s cute. I’ll allow it.

No idea who let him in.

Though he could have came home from school with Noah.

We finally have a back door! Which will help when we’re gardening in the very back of the garden lol

Look at these cuties eating floor spaghetti! Their faces are so similar too.


I don’t think I’ve ever realized that the alien plants have “alien” colored weeds lol how cool!

…it’s the small things my people

Okay so I have never once completed the gardening collection, so I’ve never had a reason to have trash plants. I didn’t realize that they actually bring down the environment AND CAUSE MY SIMS TO GET UNCOMFORTABLE. So we went down to one and moved it off to the side of the house so that it doesn’t disturb my sims’ gardening anymore lol

Birthday time! Grant gets cake first!


One brand new cake later, and Nicole is able to get her cake!

Here’s Grant after his makeover!

Also, I don’t give my sims glasses nearly enough. Which is a travesty as someone who wears glasses herself…

And here’s Nicole after her makeover!

Um. Does anyone know why the fishing post sparkles? Is this new? I’ve never noticed this before…

Oh no. There’s a sickness going around…

Also, why did I use so much orange while dressing these kids?! lol

I keep forgetting to work on our rocket… We need a way to Sixam!

Homework session! Woohoo!

4am comes around and we have the WHOLE family sleeping! Woohoo!

Join us next time for obviously more gardening and our first TEENAGER!